Education and Special Needs Law
We provide assistance and legal advice regarding all of the legal issues schools and public officials must face as they seek to accomplish their educational missions. Our attorneys are experienced in dealing with the myriad of issues that school committees and educational institutions must face, including special education, student discipline, open meeting law, public records law, contracts and public bidding, civil rights, and more.
In addition, our attorneys are experts in labor and employment law as it relates to educational institutions, and these issues make up a large portion of the legal work generated by schools.
We have also represented school clients in investigations and audits conducted by various regulatory agencies, including the Office of Civil Rights (U.S. Department of Education), Program Quality Assurance (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Massachusetts Inspector General, and the federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
The collective experience of our attorneys allows NMP to provide school clients with all of the legal services they need in one place. Our coordinated and collective approach to servicing all of our clients’ school law needs allows clients to avoid overlapping legal fees and ensures a consistent approach and strategy to legal issues district-wide. Our attorneys are also available to help schools write policy and train staff on legal issues and new developments in the field of education law.
The following are a few examples of the practice areas and complex issues we regularly assist clients with or provide training on: