Physical Restraint Online Reporting Form

As of January 1, 2016, the revised regulations on physical restraint in public education programs (603 CMR 46.00) have become effective.  Under the revised regulations, school programs are required to collect and report physical restraint data to the DESE on an annual basis. Initially the DESE had  indicated that programs would be required to use [...]

2018-08-05T16:33:49-04:00March 6th, 2016|Categories: Blog, Education|Tags: , , |

Amended Physical Restraint Regulations

In December, 2014, the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education adopted proposed amendments to the state’s Physical Restraint Regulations (603 CMR 46.00). A central theme of the amended regulations is that physical restraint should only be used in an emergency and as a last resort, except when a student’s behavior poses a threat of [...]

Gun Violence Act Requires School Policy Changes

Under a new law, school districts are required to develop and implement a plan to address the mental health needs of students, families, teachers and administrators in the district. The plan must also address the potential need for emergency mental health treatment of students as a result of a crisis within the district or school. [...]

2018-01-08T16:53:24-05:00March 13th, 2015|Categories: Blog, Education|Tags: , , |

DESE Approves New Restraint Regulations

The Board of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) recently approved amendments to the Department's Physical Restraint Regulations (603 CMR 46.00) and to the Program and Safety Standards for Approved Public or Private Day and Residential Special Education School Programs (603 CMR 18.00). The amended regulations do not take effect until January [...]

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